.Mechie NKengla

Founder / Principal Data Strategist at Data Products LLC.
Mechie Nkengla's current professional interest involves providing strategic data planning, business data development and operational leadership to organizations in leveraging data for operational effectiveness in process management, operation optimization and governance. In particular bridging between Business and IT to identify and drive opportunities. Developing an analytical framework that captures the opportunity or challenge for proof of concept implementation, leveraging data and innovative mathematical methods that include artificial intelligence. Focus on directing the alignment of data assets to develop the solution, and design an appropriate and relevant metrics framework to assess the effectiveness of the solution.

Humans at a crossroad with AI

From early public policy to
Shared benefit
From employment fears to
Workforce opportunities

From marginalized and undercounted to
Social Justice

Can AI improve society for all?

Chicago's premiere AI Event


Applied AI Tracks

AI + Healthcare
AI + Customer Experience
AI + Finance
AI + Internet of Things

AI Career Track

AI Career Days
AI Executive Education

AI Startup Track

AI Startup Bootcamp
AI Startup Weekend

AI Enterprise Research

Emerging Applications

AI Social Good Track

AI Community Programs

Next event starts in

Next Events

AI for Social Good Conference
October 25, 2024

AI Careers Program
July 16, 2024
ALSO October 25, November 15

Midwest Applied AI Conference
November 14-15, 2024


About Chicago AI Days

AI Days is a production of Destination AI and it's partners. Destination AI is the leading Artificial Intelligence innovation hub in the Midwest, located at MARCH (The Midwest AI and Robotics Center for Humans).