Moderated by Tanya Berger-Wolf
An illuminating conversation on how citizen scientists play a crucial role in the development of artificial intelligence open data projects. These are characterized by public involvement in inquiry and discovery of new scientific knowledge. Through citizen science, people share and contribute to data sets, typically through data collection, analysis, or reporting.
Some fields that citizen science advances are diverse: ecology, astronomy, medicine, computer science, statistics, psychology, genetics, engineering and many more. The massive collaborations that can occur through citizen science allow investigations at continental and global scales and across decades—leading to discoveries that a single scientist could never achieve on their own!
AI for Social Good Conference
October 25, 2024
AI Careers Program
July 16, 2024
ALSO October 25, November 15
Midwest Applied AI Conference
November 14-15, 2024
AI Days is a production of Destination AI and it's partners. Destination AI is the leading Artificial Intelligence innovation hub in the Midwest, located at MARCH (The Midwest AI and Robotics Center for Humans).
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